1. The parties agree to the following terms and conditions:

a. Client is engaging in breathwork services to be provided by Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers

b. Client agrees to sign this Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability.

c. This event is not recommended and is not safe under certain medical conditions. I, that client agree to inform all Breathwork and Yoga staff, including Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers, of any medications I am currently taking, and medical conditions or phsyical limitations I have prior to the event. I will discolose any and all conditions, medical or otherwise, that may affect my ability to participate in this event, including the breathwork session. This includes present or near past experiences of experiencing severe mental illness, neurological conditions, heart conditions, history of blood clots, currently experiencing spiritual emergence/crisis, epilepsy and seizures, high blood pressure, pregnancy, recent physical injuries, fractures and surgeries. I confirm that I am not pregnant, nor do I have severe asthma, heart disease, diabetes, a mental illness, epilepsy/history of seizures and/or acute physical injures. In the case of any of these conditions I understand participation will be revoked and I will not be allowed to participate in the event as a precaution to my health and wellbeing.

d. I understand that the event facilitators including their affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers, do not diagnose illness or disease and this event does not prescribe or replace medical treatment or pharmaceuticals.

e. As is the case with any physical activity, the risk of injury, is always and cannot be entirely eliminated. If I experience any unususal pain or discomfort, I will listen to my body and discontinue the activity, and ask for support from the facilitator. I assume full responsinlity for any and all damanges, which may incur through participation in this event.

f. I understand that this event is not a substitute for medical care and it is recommended that I continue to work with my primary health care provider for any condition that I may have.

g. I understand taking alcohol or drugs prior to, or during this event will result in me not being able to participate in the event. I will not be under the influence of drugs or alcohol whilst attending this event.

h. I confirm that I, alone, am responsible for deciding whether to participate in Breathe On Breathwork & Yoga retreat and that I participate fully at my own risk.

i. I understand that this event includes breathwork and trauma release which is made up of physical movement, breathing, meditation, release of emotions, touch, body work and sound. I understand that each of these will be included in the event.


This Informed Consent and Assumption of Risk and Release of Liability is material to the event Contract and is incorporated herein by reference. I, the client certify that I am of adequate physical condition to participate in physical exercise. I certify that I am aware of the nature of this event and assume the full risk of participating in this event. I certify that I will disclose to Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers whenever suggested activities cause distress beyond my threshold. I certify that I will not hold Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers liable for any physical injury, whether minor, severe, or otherwise that may result from this event and breathwork and Yoga facilitated by Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers. I certify that I assumes all responsibility for my participation in this Breathwork & Yoga retreat.

3. Consent

I consent that I am in good physical health and of sound mind, and do not suffer from any condition that would hinder my participation in any activity by Karen Schreuder. These Activities include, but are not limited to, physical movement, breath, meditation, release of emotions, touch, bodywork and sound. I understand that my participation in all offerings held by Karen schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers are strictly for entertainment purposes and understand any personal medical concerns are under the care of a medical professional. Any advice given is ultimately determined by my own free will and I release any liability to sue Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers. My participation in all activities, is confirmation that I am fully responsible for any and all risks, injuries or damages known or unknown without limitation. Additionally I am aware that Karen Schreuder and the location of the event is not a storage facility, if I leave items at the space after the event and do not contact them to pick up with 7 days they will be donated.


I, the Client agree to irrevocably release and waive any and all claims have I have now or may have hereafter against the facilitators of this event, including Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers. I indemnify and hold harmless Karen Schreuder and affiliates, contractors and/or employees/ volunteers for any injuries, illnesses, and the like, experienced as the result of this event including the breathwork session.


I have fully read, and fully understand and agree to the above terms of this Liablity Waiver Agreement. I am signing this agreement voluntarily and reconigse that my signature serves as complete and unconditional release of liabilaty to the greatest extented allowed by law.